Updating Activation Server Version

Updating the Activation Server to a new version is as simple as when you first deployed the Activation Server to your server. Before you begin, please ensure that you backup the current database (i.e. the Data.mdb file) as well as the Web.Config file. Next, you can update and replace the new Activation Server version files and folders from the following folder to your server:



Finally, upload the backed up Data.mdb and Web.Config files to your server to restore your current database and configuration.


The new Activation Server version may sometimes updates the database schema with new tables and fields. If the new database file date/time is newer than your original database file date/time, you need to perform an additional task to copy and transfer the current data to the new database.

To Update Activation Server Database

1.       Open the new database file using MS Access.

2.       Remove all Relationships by using the Relationships menu under the Database Tools tab.

3.       From the External Data tab, click the Access icon on the Import pane.

4.       Enter the file name of your current database to the File Name edit box.

5.       Select Link to the data source by creating a linked table. Then, click the OK button. The Link Tables dialog box appears.

6.       Click the Select All button. Then, click the OK button. The linked tables (Accounts, Logs, Packages, Permissions, Products, Programs, UpdateLogs, UpgradeLogs, and Upgrades) appear in the Tables pane.

7.       Right-click on the linked tables to update to the new database. Click the Copy menu. And, then click the Paste menu. The Paste Table As dialog box appears.

8.       On the Table Name edit box, enter the table name to be updated. Then, select Append Data to Existing Table, and click the OK button.

9.       Repeat step 7 and 8 for all tables.

10.    Login to Activation Manager. Check and ensure that your current data appear in tables correctly under the new database.

11.    Test online activation from your protected application.

12.    Test ecommerce integration via PayPal and ShareIt KeyGen.